Friday 6 June 2014

Hillsound's Top Ten Songs for When You Just Need to sit Back and Listen

10. Tomorrow Never Knows- Beatles
Not for it's length, but every time I listen to Revolver, I hear something new. And it's normally on this song.

9. Lately- Stevie Wonder
The passion in Stevie Wonder's voice in this song is haunting. One of those where the lyrics should have your full attention.

8. Loaded- Primal Scream 
Screamadelica is one of the best albums to get you in the mood for summer in my opinion, and this song is great for pumping you up, but also to relax in the sun to. 

7. Lover You Should Have come over- Jeff Buckley
Showcases Buckley's stunning vocal range and you can hear the pain in his voice. The kind of song you might listen to with your eyes shut.

6. Fool's Gold- Stone Roses
Brilliant rhythm section. The dance-like vibe makes it easy to slip into the groove of the song and get a bit lost for a while. You may also start tap-tapping on your may.

5. Spanish Harlem- Mama's and Papa's (cover)
Another 'eyes shut' kind of song. It could be the middle of the Christmas period but if you put this song on, you will be transported to the sun.

4. High and Dry- Jamie Cullum (cover)
A stunning cover that shows just how talented, and what a true master of the piano, Cullum is. The version linked is a live video, slightly mashed up with Amazing Grace. You won't hear the original in quite the same way.

3. Machine Gun- Jimi Hendrix
A true love letter to the guitar. Running at over 12 minutes, this ode to the soldiers fighting the the Vietnam war uses Hendrix's unique playing technique to mimic the sounds of the battlefield, bombs and the crying wounded. Listen in awe, because it's a great song.

2. Shine On You Crazy Diamond- Pink Floyd
The ultimate self-indulgent song. Passing through a colourful display of styles and emotions, it feels like a real journey when you listen from start to finish. I often tell people that they "haven't lived until they've listened to it in one go", and I stand by that.

1. When the Levee Breaks
Not even sure much needs to be said about this song. It's just brilliant. Let's leave it at that.

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